RIVERS OF TIME - INTRODUCTION It may have been nearly four million years since our earliest ancestors walked upright on this planet. Generations upon generations of humans had already contributed to the evolution of the species when the consciousness of one Albert Einstein winked into existence. His Theory of General Relativity was one of the greatest intellectual achievements of mankind. His interpretations of space and time forever-changed our notions of reality. Einstein published the Theory of Special Relativity in 1905 and then, over the next ten years, developed the more comprehensive (and considerably more complex) Theory of General Relativity. I will introduce one of the basic consequences of the Relativity Theory called time dilation, include the simple mathematics needed to formulate its effects, offer a scientifically-sound method of time travel and attempt to interpret relativistic phenomena as it relates to the human experience.
We are all like passengers on a boat, being carried along a flowing river... always moving forward. Clocks are the devices that measure distance traveled on this temporal journey. We will soon discover that our sojourn through spacetime is a completely unique experience. Each of us are alone... each of us carried along by different currents that exist within the rivers of time.
RIVERS OF TIME - SECTION MENU Part 1 - The Principal of Relativity Part 2 - Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity Part 3 - The Twin Paradox Part 4 - The Relativistic Rocket (Coming Soon) Part 5 - Parallel Universes (Coming Soon)
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