PREFACE “I think, therefore I am” (Cogito, ergo sum) -- a phrase extracted from Descartes’s Principles of Philosophy - 1644. In essence... he was suggesting that by questioning your own existence, you’re offering proof of your existence. From an early age, I pondered my own existence and wondered... Why does my consciousness stem from this place called planet earth, given all the planets in a vast universe? Why did my self-awareness evolve just tens-of-years ago, and not ten thousand years ago when there were already millions of humans living on the earth? What is different about the neural circuitry in my brain and the neural circuitry in your brain that makes "me" me and "you" not me? There is overwhelming evidence that the brain directs every aspect of consciousness; but, does the manifestation of "I", which seems to be unique for each of us, result strictly from brain chemistry, or is it something that can only be appreciated from the prospective of a higher consciousness?
I was attracted to the study of physics when I first read about Einstein's Theory of Relativity. I realized that the workings of the universe are often strange and nonintuitive. Reality is not as it seems! From the weird quantum behavior of subatomic particles to the alien world of cellular biology, nature is wondrous! Life must have a meaningful purpose within the universe; otherwise, why are natures laws so perfectly designed to support the processes of life?
This blog, The Empirical God, presents some of the stranger aspects of science and serves to record the many questions that I've accumulated during my studies. The term "Empirical", as applied in the title, suggests that there may never be a grand theory that reveals all the secrets of the universe; but there, locked away in the observable wonders of nature, may be important clues that can lead to plausible theories about the purpose of life and consciousness.
TOPICS Rivers of Time Humans believe they -together with all life in the universe- share a common reality. We create and appreciate the creations of others, and interact at the deepest personal levels. In the early part of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein formulated a theory that challenged our notion of a shared reality. I'll introduce a couple of important concepts from the Relativity Theory and then relate them to possible evidence of alternate realities and the existence of parallel universes.
Quantum Weirdness Einstein's Theory of Relativity launched science down a new path, and in a direction that was no longer intuitive. While peering deep into the structure of matter, scientists found the universe to be even stranger. The simple idea of cause-and-effect, as utilized by Isaac Newton, was replaced by probabilities and uncertainties. Reality appears fuzzy, at best, and seems to only take-on definite form while being consciously observed. I'll investigate the contradictory nature of matter and describe a bizarre phenomenon known and quantum entanglement. Is life really just a dream?
The Anatomy of a Cell There are -so far- no plausible scientific theories about why life developed in the universe. It all began with the living cell... an immensely sophisticated and well-orchestrated structure made up of complex molecules. The cell is a wondrous device... able to sense its environment, make decisions, communicate and coordinate with neighboring cells, and act appropriately to assure its survival. Biologists have a pretty good understanding about the chemical mechanisms that sustain life; but, no one is sure about how the first cell came into existence. Is life rare, and could it exist elsewhere in the universe? I'll introduce readers to some amazing aspects of cellular biology and speculate about the advent -and rarity- of life.
I Think, Therefore I Am Consciousness is a result of the brain's ability to process sensory information collected from the central nervous system, relate it to the world it already understands and then form an awareness of its current surroundings. The brain is partitioned into areas of processing specialization. A disruption within the brain's processing centers, through physical damage or the introduction of chemical inhibitors, would result in consciousness being eliminated or greatly altered. Without the brain, we would not have consciousness; nor would we be able to ponder our own existence... or the existence of God. Would self-awareness manifest in any computer (electronic or biological) that was built with a sufficient level of sophistication; or is it something that is unique to biology? I'll present some of the latest theories about brain function and offer an argument or two in favor of the existence of a higher consciousness.
Spiritual Avenues The Law of Attraction has gained popularity in recent years; but it is actually a product of the New Thought Movement which emerged in the nineteenth century. This spiritual philosophy was likely influenced by the odd discoveries in science during that period; but it also embraced the principals of Buddhism, Christianity and other well-established religious philosophies. Does the Law of Attraction have any foundation in Science? I'll discuss the concepts, for the benefits of those who may not have been introduced to it, and then relate it to the science already discussed in this blog.
Please be patient in awaiting new posts. This is a time-consuming endeavor that I pursue between obligations of family and work. I invite readers to openly share their comments, thoughts and suggestions when relevant to the topics presented.
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